Sunday, December 1, 2019


When I was about ten years old, I watched Titanic in the theatre and I was very impressed by James Horner's soundtrack music. My very first studio was a small room with a laptop on the desk. How would you describe your own development as an artist and the transition towards your own voice? I use technology in the same way as acoustic instruments. But then, I was not thinking to be a composer yet. How do you make use of technology? akira kosemura

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If you enjoyed this interview with Akira Kosemura, his website is http: Akira Kosemura Interview Image by Shin Kikuchi "What I want to listen to, what I want to compose, what music I need — these are very simple things, but the important things are always simple.

akira kosemura

All user-contributed text on this page is available kisemura the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply. Outside Lands takes live music to a higher level Fest.

Later, at the same time of entering university, I bought a laptop and started ksemura make something. What I want to listen to, what I want to compose, what music I need — these are very simple things, but the important things are always simple. What was this like for you? For most artists, originality is first preceded by a phase of learning and, often, emulating others. How would you describe your own development as an artist and the transition towards your own voice?

akira kosemura

I have been saving the inspirations culled from them and the music happens in my mind. What role do they play in your approach and what are your preferred ways of engaging with other creative through, for example, file sharing, jamming or just talking about ideas? A new version of Last. Version 7, edited by SamuraiSx on 14 September7: I do file sharing, jamming and talking about ideas — all of those.

Music | Akira Kosemura

Actually, I had been taught the classic piano since Akjra was three years old but I quit it before high school and had stopped playing the piano for a while. It has this very beautiful melody with the Celtic music and harmony, orchestrations mixing with the electronic sounds. Can you describe the co-authorship between yourself and your tools?

I use technology in the same way as acoustic instruments. Don't want to see ads?

Akira Kosemura

I was young and to practice the piano was not interesting for me then. The only thing I need to focus on is to be honest to my mind in the beginning.

akira kosemura

However, I was excited to listen to their music very much. Like a editing film, but only the sounds. But then, I was not thinking to be a composer yet. My very first studio was a small room with a laptop on the desk.

After that, I learned many things from the music from the film composers, soundtrack albums I guess. It was the new world for me. Software enables me to do the things my instruments could not. When I was about ten years old, I watched Titanic in the theatre and I was very impressed by James Horner's soundtrack music. For me, to kodemura music is completely connected with my life. So we need to find all possible means.

What were your main compositional- and production-challenges in the beginning and how have they changed over time? It was the start of my career, actually. But the most important thing kosemurz composing is always the imagination. The reason why is that it was very boring for me to practice. View all similar artists.

For me, creativity is equal to imagination and technology provides the tools to expand its possibilities.

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