Thursday, December 12, 2019


We strongly believe that the acquisition by Transoft Solutions provides you, our customers, with the following benefits: Please continue to contact your existing Airtopsoft sales representative to assist you, or visit www. We strongly believe that the acquisition by Transoft Solutions provides you, our customers, with the following benefits:. AirTOP software State-of-the-art fast time simulation Combined airspace and airport modeling Simulate, test, improve airspace and airport capacity. Assess and improve airport terminal capacity by modeling passenger movements. Includes rule-based modeling of checkin, passport control, security control, immigration, baggage claim, retail, waiting area, boarding processes with custom queue path and flow control. airtopsoft

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Get help with products, downloads, and more, direct from Transoft Solutions. Looking for the English site? Recent News Press Releases Blog.


Overview Unique rule-based gate-to-gate fast-time simulator including: Check out our latest coverage on product information, company achievements, and industry news. Some documents are aittopsoft automatically by WIZer, others can be explicitly requested by the user. The workload and complexity model airtopsotf specified using a GUI within the WIZer application which allows the WIZer administrator to modify, parameterise or customise the model.

The operational synergies we stand to gain from this transaction will pay immediate dividends by allowing us to intensify our focus on research and development, and that means even better solutions in the near future. The WIZer architecture enables additional Data Links to be easily integrated by Airtopsoft, such as a local flight data processing system, or custom flight CPR messages. Transoft Solutions has built its reputation as a leader in the development of quality-enhancing and time-saving CAD software airto;soft the engineering community.

Can I still purchase Airtopsoft products? Choose another regional site to see content and events specific to your area.

WIZer ACC | Airtopsoft

Single graphical user interface Simulation scenario editing airgopsoft debugging are arguably two of the most time-consuming tasks when performing studies using fast time simulation tools. A collection of unit tests is included in the testing environment. By using this website you agree to our use of cookies.

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Transoft Solutions Completes Acquisition of Airtopsoft | Transoft Solutions

The tool provides options to either reduce demand or increase capacity, and displays akrtopsoft results of executing such measures on the updated forecast, allowing the user to perform an interactive what-if analysis of the available options. Visiting Transoft Solutions from outside your region? Choose another regional site to see content and events specific to your area.

From webinars to workshops, find what you need here. Transoft Solutions develops innovative and specialized software for transportation professionals. In addition to the default users Administrator, technical, operational, viewerother new airtopsift can be created and their rights configured as needed.


We take pride in delivering complete customer satisfaction. This site is not allowed new members. Blog Region Select Contact Us.

AirTOP model has proven to provide reliable and accurate enough results as a result of more airtopxoft 3 years working on a proof of concept and later on full operational testing in a large ACC Munich. Formal requests for the roadmap priorities addition of new features, creation of airtopssoft modules are issued by customers and consequently implemented by Airtopsoft.

Find out more here. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.

We strongly believe that the acquisition by Transoft Solutions airtopsof you, our customers, with the following benefits: Blog Region Select Contact Us.

We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. The operational synergies we stand to gain from this transaction will pay immediate dividends by allowing us to to intensify our focus on research and development, and that means even better solutions in the near future.

In particular, new modules can be added to the application without airgopsoft the system airtlpsoft in order to support the following:. We strongly believe that the acquisition by Transoft Solutions provides you, our customers, with the following benefits:.

Assess and improve airport terminal capacity by modeling passenger movements. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.


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