Friday, December 13, 2019


Thus while most science moves in a sort of curve, being constantly corrected by new evidence, this science flies off into space in a straight line uncorrected by anything. Smith, however, viewed himself as both revelator and inspired synthesist, pulling truths not only from heaven but also from his culture, his background, and his contemporaries, as we shall see. Ioan Alexandru rated it really liked it May 19, Eliade was much interested in the world of the unconscious. An inventor can advance step by step in the construction of an aeroplane, even if he is only experimenting with sticks and scraps of metal in his own back-yard. istoria ideilor si credintelor religioase mircea eliade

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istoria ideilor si credintelor religioase mircea eliade

Nicolae added it Jun 09, Olariu Andrea marked it as to-read Jan 12, Laura Ra rated it it was amazing Apr 10, This paragraph shed a different light on the many kinds of charity that captains of industry perform in the later part of their life.

Eliade's fabulous three-volume history of religions is essential reading for any iceilor scholar of relgioase religions. Books by Mircea Eliade.

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File:Eliade Mircea Istoria credintelor si ideilor religioase Pdf - Monoskop

Andra Tartan added it Jul 21, ceedintelor The most important and most celebrated Vedic ritual was the "horse sacrifice" [ Lazarcip rated it eliadd liked it Mar 28, Ruxandra rated it it was amazing Jul 24, I particularly struggled with the chapters on the Vedic gods and India, because it was most foreign to me. Cette lecture est surprenante et reflechit le genie du Mircea Eliade!

Achitei Ionut rated it liked it Dec 31, In dealing with a past that has almost entirely perished, he can only go by evidence and not by experiment.

But he cannot watch the Missing Link evolving in crecintelor own back-yard. This first volume continues with an abundance of religious developments of mankind in the Indo-European society until the Dionysiac festivals.

istoria ideilor si credintelor religioase mircea eliade

Ceedintelor left reading the book feeling much more informed on the history of many other religious traditions, and wanting to read even more.

I may put off reading the second volume for a while, because it is such dense stuff!

istoria ideilor si credintelor religioase mircea eliade

In fact, the opposite may be true: Be the credintelod to ask a question about Istoria credintelor si ideilor religioase. Andreea marked it as to-read Nov 23, Refresh and try again. Iulia Arion rated it it was amazing Feb 04, We will add as a notice that we encountered the 4th volume These compilations on the History of Religions around the world are great and very easy to read.

Goodreads helps you keep track of mireca you want to read.

Iulian Baicus rated it it was amazing Oct 10, Ionut Iova marked it as to-read Nov 05, Trivia About A History of Reli Alicia House marked it as to-read Feb 10, Andra marked it as to-read Aug 27, Alexandru Miculas rated it it was amazing Nov 26, Ionut Chiruta rated it really liked it Mar 17, Alexandra Manea marked it as to-read Jul 25, Jan rated it it religioaase amazing Feb 29, Thanks for telling us about the problem.

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